Student Services

Wayne-Westland Schools prioritizes student attendance, student safety, and student support. Our District has implemented a comprehensive attendance policy that will identify barriers families face and provide support so that they may attend school regularly. Working with our community partners, our goal is to reduce chronic absenteeism at all grade levels.

Student safety is addressed through a number of supports, including School Resource Officers, PBIS Support Interventionists, hall monitors and a strong partnership with local police departments. Additionally, through the state sponsored OK2SAY program and subsequent training, students have the capability to help us identify and support other students who may be in crisis. 


Annual School Safety Notifications

Non-Discrimination Policy

Wayne-Westland Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, genetic information or any other legally protected characteristic, in its programs and activities, including inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Title II Coordinator: Kim Markey;  Title VI Coordinator: John Besek;  Title VII Coordinator: Dr. Alex Ofili; Title IX Coordinators: Dr. Alex Ofili; John Besek; Section 504 Coordinator: John Besek.  All complaints may be addressed to 36745 Marquette St., Westland, MI 48185.

In General

Illegal discrimination and harassment of students are prohibited by federal and Michigan laws. This policy is intended to promote compliance with these legal obligations. This policy is also intended to establish a procedure for students and employees to follow when illegal discrimination or harassment has been alleged or has occurred. This policy is not intended, and should not be construed, to expand the liability of the district, district employees or students for illegal discrimination or harassment. Prohibited Acts District employees, other persons associated with the district and students are prohibited from discriminating against students on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, height, weight, marital status or disability. District employees, other persons associated with the district and students are also prohibited from harassing students on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, height, weight, marital status or disability. Prohibited harassment occurs when a student is subjected to unwelcome statements or behaviors related to his or her race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, height, weight, marital status or disability and:

  • Submission to the statements or behaviors is a condition of utilizing or benefiting from district services, activities, benefits, privileges or programs;
  • Submission to or rejection of the statements or behaviors is used as a basis for a decision to limit or prevent the student's access to district services, activities, benefits, privileges or programs; or,
  • The statements or behaviors substantially interfere with the student's education to the extent he or she is effectively denied access to district services, activities, benefits, privileges or programs.


Grievance Procedure

Any student who believes he or she has been subjected to prohibited discrimination or harassment is required to report the allegation to his or her principal or assistant principal. Alternatively, if the student believes his or her principal or assistant principal has engaged in prohibited discrimination or harassment, he or she is required to report the allegation to a trusted counselor or teacher. Any district employee who receives an allegation of prohibited discrimination or harassment from a student is required to immediately report the allegation to the district's Director(s) of Student Services.

The district's Director(s) of Student Services, or his or her designee, upon receiving a report of prohibited discrimination or harassment, is required to promptly conduct and complete an investigation. The nature of the investigation will depend on the allegation. However, the investigation will typically include: obtaining a complete written statement of the student's allegation; obtaining any evidence Supporting the allegation, such as witness interviews, documents or other physical evidence; interviewing the alleged perpetrator; and, obtaining any evidence Supporting the perpetrator's response to the allegation. The district's Director(s) of Student Services, or his or her designee, after completing the investigation, will reach a conclusion whether the student was subjected to prohibited discrimination or harassment. The district's Director(s) of Student Services may also conclude that, based on the evidence, he or she is unable to reach such a conclusion. If prohibited discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district's Director(s) of Student Services, in consultation with the district's Superintendent, will take the remedial action he or she deems reasonable and appropriate to prevent the recurrence of prohibited discrimination or harassment and, if appropriate, impose sanctions against the perpetrator. When prohibited discrimination or harassment has not occurred or the district's Director(s) of Student Services is unable to reach a conclusion based on the evidence, he or she, in consultation with the district's Superintendent, may take reasonable steps to address the complaining student's legitimate concerns. The district's Director(s) of Student Services will promptly communicate his or her conclusions to the student and the alleged perpetrator and will, in addition, communicate this policy's prohibition against retaliation.

Prohibition Against Retaliation

The district prohibits retaliation against any student who has, in good faith, reported an allegation of prohibited discrimination or harassment. Students are required to immediately report allegations of retaliation as set forth above. Similarly, reports of retaliation will be investigated and disposed of as set forth above.


The objectives of this policy are met best by maintaining the confidentiality of allegations of violations of this policy; as well as the notes, papers and reports obtained or produced of the district's Director(s) of Student Services in the course of his or her activities pursuant to this policy. Therefore, the district will maintain the confidentiality of such allegations and notes, papers and reports to the maximum extent permitted by law.


The district will notify all district employees, parents and students of this policy. This policy will also be ;posted or otherwise published as required by law.

The following person(s) have been designated  to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: 

Director of Student Services 
Wayne-Westland Community Schools 
36745 Marquette 
Westland, MI 48185 


Mandated Reporting 

All district employees fall under the definition of Mandated Reporter. The following process must be followed whenever there is suspected abuse of one of our students:

Making a Report of Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect 

Mandated reporters must make an immediate report to CI by telephone or through the online reporting system, of suspected child abuse or child neglect. Within 72 hours after making an oral report by telephone, the reporting person shall file a written report (DHS-3200). If the immediate report has been made using the online reporting system, no additional written report is required.

Reporting the suspected allegations of child abuse and/or neglect to the building administration does not fulfill the requirement to report directly to DHHS.

The verbal report can be completed by calling 855-444-3911 or via ISD_Partnership Landing (

The individual who had contact with the child must make the report and provide as much detail as possible about the following information:

  • The child's primary caretaker, including name and address.
  • Names and birth dates for all members of the household.
  • Name and birth date of the alleged perpetrator(s).
  • Whether the alleged perpetrator lives with the child.
  • Address where the alleged abuse or neglect occurred.
  • What makes the mandated reporter suspect the child is being abused or neglected.

The Child Protection Law requires that the written report include the following information:

  • Name of child.
  • Description of abuse or neglect.
  • Names and addresses of child's parents/guardians.
  • The person's with whom the child resides.
  • Child's age.
  • Other information available to the reporting person that might establish the cause of the abuse or neglect, and the manner in which the abuse or neglect occurred.

MDHHS encourages the use of the Report of Actual or Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect (DHS-3200) form when filing the written report, which includes all the information required under the law. If more than one mandated reporter suspects child abuse or neglect based upon the same incident, they may submit just one DHS-3200 form.

Confidentiality of a Mandated Reporters' Identity

The identity of a reporting person is confidential under the Child Protection Law. The identity of a reporting person is subject to disclosure only with the consent of that person, by judicial process or to those listed under Section 5 of the Child Protection Law (MCL 722.625).

Civil and Criminal Liability

Mandated reporters, who fail to file a report of suspected child abuse or neglect, will be subject to both civil and criminal liability. In a civil action, the mandated reporter may be held liable for all damages that any person suffers due to the mandated reporters' failure to file a report. In a criminal action, the mandated reporter may be found guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for up to 93 days and a fine of $500.

A person making a good faith report is protected from civil and criminal prosecution and cannot be penalized for making the report or cooperating with a CPS investigation.

Mandated Reporter Hotline

If a mandated reporter is dissatisfied with the response by MDHHS, the mandated reporter may contact the Mandated Reporter Hotline at 877-277-2585. Prior to doing so, the mandated reporter must first attempt to talk with our local MDHHS office director about his or her concerns.

View the Guide to Detailed Reporting (Downloadable) to understand what information should be included when reporting.

School Safety

Our district staff has been trained in ALICE (Alert/Lockdown/Inform/Counter/Evacuate) procedures in the event of unauthorized persons entering our school buildings. Beginning in January, we will transition from our traditional shelter-in-place lockdown drills to ALICE drills. 

ALICE training will equip our students with knowledge of what they can do in an emergency. It will also demonstrate how to be aware of their surroundings, explain their options, and reinforce that adults will support them. 

Classroom staff will share the following information with students.

  • Students will practice the classroom ALICE drill after being instructed by their teachers, just like they practice fire and tornado drills.
  • The staff and students will be notified when an “ALICE” drill will begin. 
  • Teachers will instruct students to quietly listen to the adult(s) in the classroom or the announcements and that it is important to listen carefully.   
  • During the drills, teachers will remind students that there will be options depending on the situation. Students will practice barricading and evacuating during each drill. 
  • As with all of our drills, there will be an emphasis on listening to the adult(s) they are with so that students can react appropriately.

We are providing this information to strengthen your understanding of what we share with students and allow you to have conversations at home. We appreciate your support.

Wayne-Westland Community Schools District Handbook and Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct

Wayne-Westland Community School District  Department of Student Services has released the 2023-2024 District Handbook and Student Code of Conduct.

Please take time with your student(s) to read and review the Handbook to familiarize yourselves with district policies, procedures, and processes that will help ensure an excellent school year for all involved.

The handbook includes district information about academics, attendance, communication, food and cafeteria, technology, student code of conduct, Non-Discrimination Policy, school rules and discipline as well as general information.

Google Doc2023-2024 District Handbook and Student Code of Conduct

For further information, please contact John Besek, Director of Student Services K-12 at

Title IX

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX states:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

External LinkTitle IX
External LinkTitle IX Law & Guidance
External LinkNon-Discrimination Policy


Wayne-Westland Community Schools K-12 Attendance Protocol

  • One (1) absence and every absence thereafter - An automated call will be sent to indicate that the student has missed an attendance period. If a call was made to the school to excuse the absence, this call does not go out.
  • Three (3) absences or equivalent - A teacher will make a phone call to discuss the reason(s) for the absences and seek to support the family in getting the child to school.
  • Six (6) absences or equivalent - An attendance letter is sent to communicate the district’s concern about attendance and highlight the steps in the attendance protocol.
  • Nine (9) absences or equivalent - A meeting will be set up between the family and an administrator or support staff member to discuss attendance barriers and to highlight the urgency of regular attendance.
  • Twelve (12) absences or equivalent - Student’s name and address are submitted to Concentric to conduct a home visit. The school will notify parents of the upcoming visit. The details of that home visit are shared with the school to support the student’s regular attendance in school. The middle and high school students’ names and addresses will also be submitted to Westland Youth Assistance or Wayne Youth Services for enrollment in their programming. The second attendance letter is also mailed home at this time.
  • Fifteen (15) absences or equivalent - Final attendance letter is sent home.
  • Eighteen (18) absences or equivalent - Student is referred to Wayne County through formal petition for chronic absenteeism.

Contact Information

John Besek
Director of Student Services K-12