Special Education

Special Education Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Department of Special Education. 

Child Find is an active process designed to identify resident children, ages birth through five years old, as well as school-age children who may need Special Education Services. Child Find offers evaluations for children suspected of having a disability at no charge. Following the evaluation, eligible children are referred to appropriate programs and services.

Special Education programs and services are provided to eligible students from birth to 26. These include evaluations, support for students with disabilities in General Education, and a full continuum of Special Education programs and services based on the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) appropriate for each student. Center programs for students eligible for “low incidence” disabilities offer services for students in Wayne-Westland and surrounding Western Wayne County School districts.

If you suspect that your child may need special services, please contact the Special Education  Student Services Department at 734-419-2071.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Continuum - Homebound or Hospital - Student receives special education services at home or in a hospital program. Residential School - Student lives in a 24 hour care facility and is taught by a trained staff. Separate School - Student attends a special day school designed for students with disabilities. Separate Classroom - Student attends a regular school but is taught by a special education teacher in a separate classroom. Resource Program - Student is in the regular classroom for most of the school day but spends some time in a resource room for specialized instruction. Regular Classroom with Supplementary Instruction and Services - Student is taught by both a classroom teacher and a special educator in a regular classroom. Regular Classroom with consultation - Student is taught by a regular classroom teacher who is advised by a special educator. Regular Classroom - Student is fully mainstreamed into regular classroom instruction.

Early Intervention Services

Wayne-Westland Community Schools Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program provides a multi-disciplinary, individualized family focused, service for infants and toddlers with developmental delays who are zero to three years of age. Students receive a weekly home and center-based program. Services are provided through the Special Education Program housed at Wayne Memorial High School Annex.

External LinkEarly Intervention Services (See more on our EIS page)


EIS at Wayne Memorial High School Annex
3001 Fourth Street
Wayne, MI 48184

For more information, please call (734)-419-2645.

Preschool Programs

Preschool programs offered at Stottlemyer Early Childhood and Family Development Center include:

  • Early Childhood Program ECP – a special education program for eligible 3-5-year-old students.
  • Center program classrooms for students with severe disabilities are available on a regional basis.

Parent As Teacher (PAT)

PAT is an early childhood parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until the child enters kindergarten. This program consists of scheduled home visitations and may include participation in an appropriate ECS group session.


It is strongly encouraged that students transitioning to the elementary school programs visit their neighborhood school or basic classroom program to ease the anxiety of the level change. Together, we will make these life experiences positive for the student and her/his parents.

Early Childhood Program

Wayne-Westland Community Schools offers an Early Childhood Program (ECP) which is designed for children with developmental delays who are three to five years of age. This program offers a classroom experience for three hours per day in AM and PM sessions. Ongoing assessment and reinforcement of the individualized educational plan (IEP) are important components of the classroom.

  • Morning Program: 9:00 am- 11:45am
  • Afternoon Program: 1:00 pm -3:45pm

Transportation provided as detailed in the Individualized education plan. For more information, please call (734)-419-2645.

SXI Preschool Program

Wayne Westland Community Schools offer a SXI Preschool Program which is designed for students identified with severe multiple impairments have more than one disability. This involves a cognitive impairment, as well as any combination of the following: a hearing impairment, a visual impairment, a physical impairment, or a health impairment.  This is an all day program for students who qualify. 



Elementary Programs

All elementary buildings have special education Resource Programs and Teacher Consultant Support.  For eligible students, WWCS also offers a full continuum of programs and services including Local Categorical Classrooms and Center Based Program Classrooms for students with physical or otherwise health impairments (POHI), profound multiple disabilities (SXI), dual diagnosed (DD), severe cognitive disabilities (SCI), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Center program classrooms for students with severe disabilities may also be available on a regional basis.

Middle School Programs

All middle school buildings have special education Teacher Consultant services in regular education.  Available in each building are programs and services for students who are eligible per their IEP.  Wayne-Westland also offers a full continuum of programs and services including  Resource Room programs and center program classrooms for students with physical and other health impairments (POHI), severe multiple disabilities  (SXI), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or severe cognitive disabilities (SCI).  Center program classrooms for students with severe disabilities are available on a regional basis.

High School Programs

All high school buildings have special education Teacher Consultant services in regular education.  Available in each building are programs and services for students who are eligible per their IEP. Additionally, Wayne-Westland has programs for eligible students for students with physical and other health impairments (POHI), severe multiple disabilities (SXI), dual diagnosed (DD), or severe cognitive disabilities (SCI).  Center program classrooms for students with severe disabilities are available on a regional basis.

School Psychologists

Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides school psychology for general and special education eligible students. School Psychologists conduct assessments and interventions as needed to enable students to progress in the general curriculum. Psychologists generally assess ability and achievement.

School Social Work

Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides school social work for general and special education eligible students.

Speech & Language

Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides speech and language intervention services and programs for special education eligible students. Language and/or articulation assessments are conducted as needed to enable students with impairments to progress in the general curriculum or to communicate.

Occupational Therapy

Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides occupational therapy services to students who qualify for services under IDEA, Special Education qualification.  An occupational therapist provides interventions to address fine motor muscle needs related to supporting a student’s access to curriculum. 

Physical Therapy

Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides physical therapy services to students who qualify for services under IDEA, Special Education qualification.  A physical  therapist focuses on providing strategies and recommendations for accommodations, adaptations, or modifications that develop skills to improve the student’s skills to improve the student’s performance of tasks and activities important and necessary for successful progress in the curriculum.


Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides homebound services to both general and special education eligible students. A physician's referral which documents the medical/physical reason that the student cannot physically attend school is needed to initiate and maintain homebound services.

Assistive Technology

Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides a variety of assistive technology services and devices for general and special education eligible students. Assistive technology assessments are conducted as needed to enable students with impairments to progress in the general curriculum or to communicate orally or in written form.


Wayne-Westland Community Schools provides transition services to special education eligible students. All special education eligible students 14 years of age or older, will have a written transition plan attached to their individualized educational plan (IEP). School staff will assist both the student and her/his parents in completing surveys and interviews, setting goals, developing and implementing the educational and transition plans necessary to meet the life goals established by or on behalf of the student.

Wayne-Westland Community Schools operates the Wayne RESA Western Region Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired (POHI) Outreach program. This program is designed to meet the needs of special education eligible students who have moderate to severe educational issues due to their physical impairment.

Teacher Consultants, Occupational and/or Physical Therapists from the POHI Outreach program support the educational needs of eligible students in their neighborhood school. Outreach staff consults with building staff to facilitate access to the building and within classrooms. While some students get direct therapy services, the goal of these interventions is to enable the student to participate in their educational program and to make progress on their educational goals in the general curriculum.


Eric Rotenheber - Teacher Consultant
Email: RotenheberE@wwcsd.net
Voice mail: (734) 419-2275



Student Inspired Creations

Student Inspired Creations Website

The Student Inspired Creations website contains products that are created by students who are focused on developing universal work skills. Through inspiration and hard work students handcraft their unique products. All money from sales is reinvested into our microbusiness programs to support student growth and learning.

RESA Contacts

Wayne RESA
Phone (734) 344-1300 or resa.net

Wayne County Parent Advisory Committee
Phone: (734) 334-1487
FAX: (734) 334-1494

Michigan Department of Education
Office of Special Education / Early Intervention Services
Phone: (517) 373-9433 or https://michigan.gov/mde

Contact Information

Mona Mallad
Executive Director of Special Education
Denis McBride
Director of Special Education
Kathryn Fabrey
Special Education Secretary
Jill LeMond
Special Education Secretary
Khawla Taamneh
Special Education Secretary