GEM Award Winners

GEM Award Winner - Leo Veloz

Leo Veloz, Technology Support at Rose Kennedy

Leo's Statement: "I like working for Wayne Westland above all else is the people. I love being able to help our staff and students troubleshoot their problems on the way to achieving their goals, and being able to do so while working with a great team is not something I take for granted. I went to school here, my niece and nephew go to school here, and I'm lucky enough to be able to work with friends and family in making this district a better place to be at. Being recognized is something I take great pride in, and I'm thankful for everyone who helped get me to where I am today. "

JaCinda Sumara's Statement:  “Leo is a joy to have on the technology team. His commitment to patiently serving students and staff is unduplicated. Leo is a model of kindness and exemplary customer service. Our team is stronger because of him.” 

Wayne-Westland Community SchoolsGEM Award Winner

You were acknowledged by a co-worker for going above and beyond what is asked. You consistently strive to make your work great, not just "good enough." Thank you for the extra effort you put in every day to help make Wayne-Westland Community Schools better!



Google SheetList of Current GEM Award Nominees
Google FormsGEM - Going the Extra Mile Award Nomination Form
External LinkSample GEM Award Certificate