Elliott Latest News

June 4, 2024
Greetings Elliott Families!

We are down to our last few days of the school year. As a reminder our last two days of school are half days with dismissal at 11:40 am.

For Kindergarten Families: As a reminder we will be having a Kindergarten Celebration Day. The Kindergarten team will bring their classes together on June 6th at 9:30am to share a few songs with parents and share some final words. This is not a graduation/promotion ceremony. Students can wear their Sunday best but no graduation gowns/caps. We hope to see you there.

NEWSLETTER: Elliott Eagles Weekly Newsletter - June 3, 2024

May 27, 2024
Greetings Elliott Families!

We are down to our last two weeks of the school year. It has been an amazing 2023-24 school year for our staff and students. As we get ready to wind down these last few days please make sure to check out the various summer programs available to our students through the district. As a reminder our last two days of school are half days with dismissal at 11:40am.

NEWSLETTER: Elliott Eagles Weekly Newsletter - May 27, 2024

May 14, 2024
Greetings Elliott Families!

As we get ready to close out the school year we have several year end activities taking place. Our 5th grade students will be going to EMU for two days on May 22nd and 23rd. Our 5th graders are also having a picnic on May 30th and the 5th grade teachers have gone over the behavior expectations in order to attend the event.

NEWSLETTER: Elliott Eagles Weekly Newsletter - May 13, 2024

May 8, 2024
Greetings Elliott Families!

This week we are celebrating our teaches for Teacher Appreciation Week. The PTO and Administration at Elliott have planned several things to say thank you for our teaching staff. If you would like to help with celebrating the teachers at Elliott have your child write a letter to their teacher showing their appreciation.

This Thursday, May 9th we are asking our students to wear their Spirit wear on this day. This day will also be our 3-5 PBIS Assembly. Our K-2 Assembly will be held on Friday, May 10th.

NEWSLETTER: Elliott Eagles Weekly Newsletter - May 6, 2024

April 22, 2024
Greetings Elliott Families!

This year will be the first time a Legacy student will be recognized at Elliott Elementary. Students in 5th grade had the opportunity to apply as a Legacy student for Elliott based on their impact on their community and those around them. Up to two students will be selected and will have a photo board displayed in our school and be recognized within the district. This year we had four students submit applications. Those students were Belinda Santiago, Iden Akoto-Wiafe, Alexander Selix and Lilyan Terreault. The final two students will be acknowledged this week and have an opportunity to be recognized at a future board meeting.

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Elliott Eagles Weekly Newsletter - April 22, 2024​​​​​​