Hamilton Latest News

June 3, 2024
Hello Hamilton Families,

Here it is! The last week of the school year. Like every year, this year provided some ups and some downs and a whole lot of student growth. I absolutely love looking back over the year and thinking about how far our students have come from the beginning of the school year. It makes me very proud to see the the academic and social growth our students have shown. The students, staff and families have all worked very hard and it shows! Thank you for your support and dedication to our students!

NEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - June 3, 2024

May 27, 2024
Hello Hamilton Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and took a moment to remember the reason for the holiday. Memorial day is a day of remembrance for those who lost their life during their military service.

We are in the final count down with just 9 days to go! Keep an eye on the calendar as we have a number of fun events and activities coming up.

NEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - May 27, 2024

May 20, 2024
Hello Hamilton Families,

Well here we are in the last 3 weeks of school! Let's keep going for a strong finish! Even though it is the end of the year there is still a lot to do to wrap up the year and make sure we are all ready for next year. Attendance is still important! We want all of our students here every day to enjoy all the lessons and fun we have planned!

We have a small adjustment to our Book fair dates. The book fair will begin on Wednesday and run through the following Wednesday. Check with your child's teacher for the date your child will shop. Remember this is BOGO-Buy one, get one free! This is a great way to get your child stocked up on summer reading material!

There are also a number of activities at the public library that your child can participate in along with our Summer Busting with learning bus. Keep and eye on Dojo for dates that our Wayne Westland literacy bus will be at Hamilton!

Here is a link to the Wayne Public Library events Wayne Public Library Spring Events

As the weather warms up please remember that our school is air conditioned, keep this in mind when planning what your student will wear. Also, students MAY NOT wear flip flops or slides, this is a hazard on the play ground. Students need to have close toed shoes on at school. Also please make sure students' shirts and shorts cover them well enough so that when they are playing at recess, siting on the floor and participating in school activities they are covered appropriately.

NEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - May 20, 2024

May 13, 2024
Weekly Updates! May 13- May 17

Hello Hamilton Families,

Happy Mothers Day! I hope you are enjoying a day being celebrated or celebrating a special mom in you life! Thank you also for all the wonderful gifts that you sent in last week for teacher appreciation week, that was very kind of you!

NEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - May 13, 2024

May 6, 2024
Weekly Updates! May 6- May 10

Hello Hamilton Families,

This is a very special week! This week we say thank you to our teachers for all they do for our students and families. Our Hamilton teachers go above and beyond to make sure they give more than just reading, writing and math instruction. Our teachers make sure our students feel welcomed, loved and safe every day, they share the ups and downs and make sure our student's have all they need to be successful in life. I have shared a list of things you could do to thank our teachers, participate how ever it fits best for your family.

NEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - May 6, 2024

April 30, 2024
Weekly Updates! April 29-May 3 - Hello Hamilton Families,

Thanks everyone for coming out to skate night! Thanks to our teachers and staff who stopped in too. We have just a few more PTA activities this year, I thank you in advance for your support and participation. Our PTA has done a tremendous amount of work for our school this year all with a very small core of 4 people. Thank you Hamilton PTA for supporting our Hamilton Stars!

NEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - April 29, 2024

April 22, 2024
Hello Hamilton Families,

Thank you everyone who came out for Boys Game Night! It was a fun night and wonderful to see so many boys and their family at a school event. Thank you also to the staff and volunteers who made it all a great night!!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - April 22, 2024​​​​​

April 15, 2024
Weekly Updates! April 15-19

Hello Hamilton Families,

We are well underway with our MSTEP testing and hope to wrap that up in the next week, then we move on to NWEA testing. Please continue to make sure your students are at school on time for the full day so they are not missing important testing as well as valuable instruction that is needed to be ready for next year. I was disappointed to see such a major drop in our perfect attendance in March. In February we had 112 students with perfect attendance and in March we fell to just 87 students out of 474.

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - April 15, 2024​​​​​

April 8, 2024
Weekly Updates! April 8-12 - Hello Hamilton Families,

What a beautiful Sunday to kick off some great weather this week! With this nice weather it is the perfect time to start allowing your child to walk or ride their bike to school. We do have a bike rack where your child can lock their bike up.

This week begins our state testing window. We have some strict guidelines to follow during this time so I ask that you please have your child to school on time for the whole day so they do not have to make up any testing. Also, NO cell phones or smart watches during testing. Please be aware that students may not wear Apple watches/smart watch nor have their phones during our MSTEP state testing sessions. Our students in 3rd-5th grade will begin taking the M-STEP test this week and are prohibited by our state testing guide lines from having phones and smart watches in the testing session. Students in elementary don't need phones at school at anytime but may not have them in their pocket or on their wrist during testing. We have phones in every room of the school so students have access to a phone in case of emergency and don't ever need their phone during the school day. Thank you in advance for your support!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - April 8, 2024​​​​​

April 1, 2024
Weekly Updates! April 1- April 5

Happy Easter!! I hope everyone enjoyed the day with family and friends. I love spring and the reminder new beginnings and growth. When I think back to the beginning of the year and the amount of growth we have seen this year I am so proud of our students, families and staff. It is the result of the hard work and team effort by all.

Monday 4/1 report cards will be viewable in parent connect. Take time to review this with you child and discuss where they began the year and how much they have learned and how far they have come. If you would like to schedule a conference with your child's teacher to discuss your child's progress please reach out to the teacher to schedule that time.

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Mrs. Michels Weekly Updates - April 1, 2024​​​​​​​​​​​​