November 21, 2023

Dear Wayne-Westland School Community:

Weekly Letter to Students, Parents & Staff

As part of our ongoing commitment to provide your children with a safe and reliable school experience, we want to share some significant upcoming changes with our transportation services.

COVID-19 has been hard on transportation services. Districts around the country, including Wayne-Westland, experienced bus driver shortages as many individuals retired or resigned. With driver shortages, transportation became unpredictable as drivers often did not show up to work or were unpredictable in their work behaviors. Across Wayne County, 90% of school districts have privatized their transportation services because companies specializing in providing this service can do it better with lower costs.

After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, Wayne-Westland Community Schools has also decided to explore the possibility of privatizing our transportation services. With frequent cancellations that impact the timely arrival of students to school and with increasing costs, we believe that privatizing transportation services will provide students and families with a more dependable service. We are committed to ensuring that our students arrive on time to school every day. We want families to know that a bus will be there to pick up their child every day without disruption.

Moreover, we believe this strategic shift will provide significant cost savings for the district. We can streamline operations, reduce overhead, and allocate resources more efficiently. The district can redirect these savings toward enhancing educational programs that directly impact the student learning experience. Continuing to place dollars in the classroom will ultimately benefit the entire school community and support the academic success of our students.

This decision aligns with a national trend in education and reflects best practices that have proven successful in enhancing the overall educational experience for students. We also understand that this transition may raise questions about the future of our transportation staff. We value their contributions and will work to ensure a smooth transition for all involved. As part of the privatization process, the district will actively seek partnerships with transportation companies committed to providing opportunities for our current transportation employees. This includes considerations for employment, benefits, and career growth within the new framework. 

We appreciate your continued support as we enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency of our transportation services. Thank you for entrusting us with the education and safety of your children. Together, we can continue providing a positive and nurturing learning environment for every Wayne-Westland Community School District student.


John Dignan, Ed.D.