WWIA Resources
School Information
Registration Interest
If you are interested in registering for courses here at the Wayne-Westland Innovative Academy, fill out the form and someone will be in touch with you.
How many credits do you need to graduate?
Students with 18 credits in the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) can graduate.
How often do graduations take places for students?
We graduate students every 9 weeks.
Attendance Expectations
We would like to take a moment to acclimate everyone with our attendance expectations for our Face to Face Learners.
For the most part, all of our Face to Face Learners will have a full schedule which will consist of classes from 1st Period - 4th Period. However, some of our Face to Face Learners will have Virtual Classes on their schedule, in addition to their Face to Face Classes.
If you are a Face to Face Learner with a Virtual Class 1st Period, you can choose to report to school for the beginning of 2nd Period, which starts at 8:45am. This will allow you to take your 1st Period Virtual Class remotely, if you would like.
Similarly, if you are a Face to Face Learner with a Virtual Class 4th Period, you can choose to leave after 3rd Period, which ends at 12:25 pm. This will allow you to take your 4th Period Class remotely.
If you are a Face to Face Learner and you have a Virtual Class 2nd or 3rd Period, you must remain on site and take your Virtual Class in the media center.
Daily Schedule
1st Period: 7:10am - 8:40am
2nd Period: 8:45am - 10:15am
3rdA Period: 10:20am - 11:00am
Lunch: 11:00am - 11:30am
3rdB Period: 11:35am - 12:25pm
4th Period: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
WWIA Educational Center Forms, Documents & Links
Annual Education Reports
Parking Permit Form
Request Transcript
WWCS Forms, Documents & Links
Student Code of Conduct
Bus Transportation Routes - MISTAR
Bus Transportation Forms & Information
Champions Before & After School
Meal Magic Parent Portal
Measles Fact Sheet 1
Measles Fact Sheet 2
Medical Authorization Form
Military Recruitment Opt Out Form
Non-Discrimination Policy
PaySchools Central (
Video Tutorial )
Update Registration for Current Students
Volunteer Information & ICHAT Form