COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Communications Plan

Guidelines for reporting COVID-19 cases are set forth by the Michigan Department of Education, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and Divisions of Communicable Disease & Immunization and may be reviewed within the website. (Managing_CD_in_Schools_FINAL.PDF (

Wayne-Westland Community Schools will publish a report, once it has been confirmed, pertaining to COVID-19 clusters and outbreaks that have occurred within District buildings. 


February 16, 2024
COVID-19 Report for February 13, 2024

WWCS is reporting a COVID-19 cluster at JGHS.


COVID-19 case

A K-12-associated COVID-19 case (confirmed or probable): is defined as a student, teacher, or staff member physically present in the school setting or participated in a school sanctioned school activity

a.    Within 14 days prior to illness onset or a positive test result OR

b.    Within 10 days after illness onset or a positive test result

COVID-19 cluster

A K-12-associated COVID-19 cluster: is defined as multiple cases comprising at least 10% of students, teachers, or staff within a specified core group OR at least three (3) within a specified core group meeting criteria for a school-associated COVID-19 case; with symptom onset or positive test result within 14 days of each other, AND NO likely known epidemiological link to a case outside of the school setting.

COVID-19 outbreak

A K-12-associated COVID-19 outbreak: is defined as multiple cases comprising at least 10% of students, teachers, or staff, within a specified core group OR at least three (3) cases within a specified core group meeting criteria for a probable or confirmed school-associated COVID-19 case with symptom onset or positive test result within 14 days of each other; who were NOT identified as close contacts of each other in another setting (i.e. household) outside of the school setting; AND epidemiologically linked in the school setting or a school-sanctioned extracurricular activity.


Proactive Mitigation Practices 

There are many things that can be done to keep our schools, homes, and communities “COVID-19 free” and protect ourselves and loved ones:

Children and adults should stay home when ill.

  1. Washing hands often with soap and running warm water for at least 20 seconds. 
  2. If a hand washing station is not available, use hand sanitizer properly. Gels, rubs, and hand wipes must contain at least 60% alcohol. Dispose of wipes in the trash after use.
  3. Practice Good Respiratory Etiquette (cover a cough with elbow versus hand). 
  4. Follow guidance for wearing a face covering and social distancing.

COVID-19 Infection:

  • Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 and/or displays COVID-19 symptoms (without an alternate diagnosis or negative COVID-19 test) regardless of vaccination status.
    • Isolate at home for 5 days (day 0 is day symptoms begin or day test was taken for those without symptoms; and
    • If symptoms have improved or no symptoms developed, may leave isolation after day 5 and wear a well-fitted mask, for 5 more days (ending after day 10)

COVID-19 Exposure:

  • Close contact exposed to someone with COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status
    • Monitor Symptoms for 10 days
    • Wear well fitted mask around others for 10 days after exposure
    • Test 5 days after exposure and if symptoms develop
    • Avoid unmasked activities or activities with higher risk of exposing vulnerable individuals