Graham Latest News

June 3, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard

Please be sure to read through our LAST family update of the year!  Friday is our last day of school.  We will be dismissing on Thursday and Friday at 12:20 PM.  I will be keeping you posted about everything going on next week.  I want to alert you to our last day of school on June 7th.  All students, staff, and family members will have to leave the building at 12:20 on June 7th.  The movers will be coming in right away to start the process of emptying classrooms.  There will be NO BACKPACKS or SCHOOL BAGS on the last two days of school.  Please be sure that you have a plan to pick up your child ON TIME on both half days next week.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions at all. 

NEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - May 31, 2024

May 24, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

Happy Friday!!

We are down to single digits of school days left! Summer is right around the corner and that is so exciting!! Just a reminder that we do not have school on Monday due to the MEMORIAL DAY holiday. I hope some of you are able to take advantage of some of our FREE summer programs in the district. There is a link in this newsletter to sign up for them. The Literacy Bus will also be hitting different schools throughout the district this summer. Please watch our facebook page for information on that and I will also post on DOJO to remind you. The best advice I can give to you for summer is to make sure your child reads for at least 15 minutes each day. It really does make a difference when they return to school. It is also just a nice way for them to relax and enjoy a good book.

NEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - May 24, 2024

May 20, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

Happy Friday!!

We have been so busy here at Graham with all of our end of the year activities!!! We have a couple of concerts this week for Kindergarten and First Grade. We also have a half day on Friday due to the Memorial Holiday weekend. School will dismiss at 12:20 pm on Friday, May 24th. There will also be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 27th for the actual holiday. We will be celebrating our 5th graders on June 4th at a ceremony in our gym at 2:00pm. Please mark these dates on your calendar so you don't forget!!!

The month of May is always a time when things escalate at school. Students are excited for summer break but sometimes can be anxious about it too. Behaviors start to show out at recess and sometimes in the classroom. We remind students about keeping their hands to themselves (BE SAFE) throughout the day but it always helps if you can reinforce that at home as well. We want everyone to finish off the school year on a positive note!

Next week in the Positivity Project we will be focusing on the trait of Leadership. Leadership means you value each member of your group and inspire people to do their best! Please take a minute to read through the explanation of this trait and discuss it with your family. Sometimes it helps to give them examples of how this trait fits into your own life.

NEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - May 17, 2024

May 10, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families, - Happy Friday!

We are really winding down to the end of the year at this point. There are so many boxes getting packed and the rooms are starting to look a little bare. Please excuse our "mess" while we are getting ready for our summer renovations!!! We are VERY excited about our building getting a new look over the summer!! The new gym in the back of the building is already going up. Progress is happening!!!

There are lots of things coming up with the end of the school year upon us. Please be sure to check out the dates in this update so you are aware of the different events going on at Graham. I would hate for our families to miss out on an event.

NEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - May 10, 2024

May 6, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families, Happy Friday!

I want to say THANK YOU to the PTA for their great job on the SPRING CARNIVAL!!! We had a terrific turnout; the weather helped with that! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. The baskets that were created by each classroom turned out amazing. We had so many awesome donations from staff, students and their families. We appreciate everyone's time and effort to make the carnival a success. I thought it was so nice to have everyone be a part of the basket raffle. It brings a sense of community and the students feel like they are contributing to the carnival. We will keep doing this next year and have more amazing things to raffle off to our families. There is ONE MORE PTA meeting on May 9th at 6:00. Please come and join us and give us some feedback on things going on at the school. We need more families to participate and help to put on great events in our building!

NEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - May 3, 2024

April 30, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

Happy Friday!

I cannot believe we are at less than 30 days of school left!!! Time is flying by!!! We will be starting our NWEA testing soon. All students in K-5 will take at least two of these tests. We are working on an incentive for them to do their very best on these last tests of the year!!!

NEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - April 26, 2024

April 19, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

Happy Friday!

We are almost done with our MSTEP testing. Our students have done a great job of being here every day and putting forth their best effort! I am very proud of them.

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - April 19, 2024


April 12, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

Happy Friday!

MSTEP testing is in full swing. We will continue next week as well. I am so proud of our students and the effort that they are giving! Thank you to our families that have been making sure the students are on time every morning. It makes a huge difference when students test with their class.

We extended our March Madness attendance competition into April. The students are really getting into it and on Friday afternoons I announce the winner for the week. It is so fun to hear the screams erupt from that grade level at the end of the day. Attendance at school each day is very important. If you are struggling to get your child to school each day, or they are giving you a hard time about coming to school, please reach out to me or our social worker Ms. Salazar so we can sit down with your child and help them. We need our students here every day!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - April 12, 2024

April 5, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

Happy Friday and Opening Day!

Hopefully our Detroit Tigers will have a great season this year!!! They did great today so that's awesome!!

We will be starting our MSTEP testing for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders next week beginning on Tuesday. It is very important that students arrive to school ON TIME each day so that they can test with their class. Research shows that students who test with their class, perform much better than when they have to take the test at a later date. We also like to make sure that they have a good night sleep the night before. Monitoring phone use, social media, and tablet usage in the evening is important so that they can get a good nights sleep. I know our students are ready to ROCK that test this year!!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - April 5, 2024

March 31, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard - Dear Graham Families,

I hope everyone was able to enjoy their Spring Break! We are in our final stretch of the school year now. That seems crazy to say. On Monday, we are going to go back to lining up OUTSIDE again at our classroom doors. There will however be a few classes that are going to have to continue to line up in the gym. Those classes are: Held, Taylor, Williams, Sokolowski, Nordeen, Burroughs, and Kubus. We are going to be packing up our building to get ready for construction that will be happening all summer at Graham. We are going to try and keep things as normal as possible, but please be patient while we are going to make some adjustments to things in the next couple of months.

External LinkNEWSLETTER: Husky Happenings - March 31, 2024