Wayne Memorial Latest News

June 3, 2024
Zebra Nation,

VERY IMPORTANT! Reminder! We are collecting ALL chromebooks and chargers on Monday (June 3). Make sure to bring your chromebook and charger with you to school on Monday (June 3).

The final week of the 2023-2024 school year is upon us. We have full days Monday and Tuesday. Half Days Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for Final Exams. Please see the schedule below for the week ahead.

NEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information - June 3, 2024

May 27, 2024
Zebra Nation,

I hope that everyone had an amazing Memorial Day weekend!!

Final stretch! WE got this!Please make sure to check out the 'Weekly Info' below for the upcoming schedule! This will guide you in staying on top of everything.

Another HUGE week ahead for our Seniors! Seniors, please see the important information below. *Graduation Rehearsal is Wednesday. Senior Honors Night is Thursday. Graduation is Saturday.

NEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  May 27, 2024

May 20, 2024
From the Principal's Desk

Zebra Nation,

Busy! Busy! It's that time of year.... we have so much going on, on a daily basis from now until Graduation on June 1 and the end of this school year on June 7. Please make sure to check out the 'Weekly Information' below, on a weekly basis, to stay on top of everything amazing happening at WMHS.

NEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  May 20, 2024

May 13, 2024
From the Principal's Desk

Zebra Nation,

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the Zebra Moms!! I hope that you have had an amazing day - a day filled with love, joy, and all the happiness that you deserve!! THANK YOU for all that you do!!

Busy! Busy! It's that time of year.... we have so much going on, on a daily basis from now until Graduation on June 1 and the end of this school year on June 7. Please make sure to check out the 'Weekly Information' below, on a weekly basis, to stay on top of everything amazing happening at WMHS.

NEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  May 13, 2024

May 6, 2024
From the Principal's Desk - Zebra Nation,

The first full week of May is upon us. This week is 'Teacher Appreciation Week'. Let's make sure that we are honoring and thanking our Teachers for all that they do for WMHS!

Students - it is crunch time! The next few weeks are crucial for you in finishing up this school year! Make sure that you are attending school every day, getting to class on time, staying in class, and taking care of business with your academics. Make good choices!

NEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  May 3, 2024

April 30, 2024
From the Principal's Desk

Zebra Nation,

We made it to the month of May and the final stretch run to the end of the school year! YOU got this! WE got you!

SENIORS! Three weeks of school and then Final Exam Week and 'Check Out' for you. The time is NOW! Make sure that you are doing everything that you can to get across the finish line with your academics AND making good choices as you finish up your school time here at Wayne Memorial in the best way possible. Prom and Graduation are also right around the corner. #LeaveYourLegacy

External LinkNEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  April 29, 2024

April 22, 2024
From the Principal's Desk - Zebra Nation,

Last full week of April! Lots going on over the next few weeks.... please make sure to see the weekly calendar. Stay on top of your studies. YOU got this! WE got you!

Our WMHS Spring Musical is this week - 'Between The Lines'! This will run Thursday-Saturday at 7pm in our Auditorium. Hope you can make it to the performance. It will be dynamic!

Have a great week!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  April 22, 2024



Dear Zebra Families, 

We recently found a bed bug in your child's classroom. Bed bugs are a nuisance, but their bites are not known to spread disease. Bed bugs are usually active at night and feed on human blood. The bite does not hurt at first, but it may become swollen and itch, much like a mosquito bite. Watch for clusters of bites, usually in a line, on exposed body areas. If you have medical concerns for you or your child, please contact your doctor.

The source of bed bugs often cannot be determined, as they may be found in many places, including hotels, planes, and movie theaters. Even though it is unlikely for bed bugs to infest a school, Wayne-Westland Community Schools will conduct an inspection and, if needed, implement an integrated pest management plan in the area where the bed bug was found.

If you have any questions regarding bed bugs found in your home, contact your local health department or visit http://www.michigan.gov/bedbugs.


Cory J. Gildersleeve
Wayne Memorial High School

April 15, 2024
From the Principal's Desk - Zebra Nation,

Congratulations! You made it through the State Testing! I hope that you did your very best!

We have a few more Test Days coming this week:

  • SAT make up day: is April 16. We will reach out to the scholars that need to do the make up
  • M-Step Testing day: is April 17. Scholars - please make sure to follow the information that will be provided to you. Make sure to do your very best.

We are now over half way though the month of April. The 4th Quarter is moving right along. Stay on top of your studies. Make good choices.

External LinkNEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  April 15, 2024

April 8, 2024
From the Principal's Desk - Zebra Nation,

Big week ahead - Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday, April 11 is State Testing!

Students - please make sure to follow the information that will be provided to you for our two State Testing Days on April 10 and April 11. Make sure to do your very best on those State Tests as your scores show how the education is going here at Wayne Memorial High School AND it can get you scholarship funds to help better support your future plans and goals. You got this! We got you!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  April 8, 2024

April 1, 2024
From the Principal's Desk - Zebra Nation,

Welcome back from spring break! I hope that you had an amazing break and are energized to finish out the 3rd Quarter and the 4th Quarter. This school year is moving along quickly right now! Stay on track or get on track. The time is now in this 2nd semester. FINISH STRONG!!

External LinkNEWSLETTER: WMHS Student Weekly Information -  April 1, 2024